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Your Life Purpose - Save the Lives of Children

Save the Children
00:00 / 03:37

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Children are living in hopelessness.  Children who never chose to be locked in the life prison of poverty.  Children with no access to education.  Children with no way out or up in life.


You will help make education and training available to children.  These children have no or limited access to any of these life-changing tools.  Through this education and training, they are excelling.


This is done in three ways:  First, you will help build elementary schools, high schools, and colleges.  Second, you will help build Community Transition Centers.  Third, you will sponsor the children so they can attend the school and training programs.


DOV has Sponsored the building of elementary and high schools in Cambodia.  The Khmer Rouge communist dictatorship killed over one-fourth of the population and burned all schools and materials.  Since Cambodia was freed of this awful government, they are seeking ways to rebuild their education.  DOV through its partner nonprofit Garuna has helped build and operate the new schools in Cambodia.  The children are desperate for schooling.  The government is encouraging the development of schools.


We just returned from a trip to dedicate our most recent school opening.  It was built for 250 students.  Within just three months, over 375 registered to attend.  


Your Life Impact is immeasurable.  You can’t have a Life Purpose with more Life Impact now and in the future.  Take a moment and look at our trip's pictures.  










We have sponsored the building of a Community Transition Center in India.  There are areas with no access to education and training.  The Transition Center provides education and training for over 100 children in its community. The community is excited about having the Transition Center. This will change the entire community and the children in it.




















Your Life Purpose is the key to unlocking the gates to children’s new lives.  Your Impact will change lives, futures, finances, and self-worth. Your Life Purpose will save the lives and future generations of children.

Cambodian school
India Transformation Center
Happy students
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